History is not was, it is. -William Faulkner

Tech Connect
'Tech Titans will stimulate growth and innovation, nurture the future workforce, create opportunities to learn and connect, and recognize excellence in our technology community.’
- Tech Titans Mission Statement
Welcome to the new Tech Connect blog community. Our goal here is to share all things technology, community connection, events, companies and growth. Member participation is welcome so if you are a Tech Titans member and would like to share your thoughts on an upcoming topic, great! We encourage participation as co-writers and contributors so don’t be shy. Find out how below!
The History of Tech Titans: 30 Years in 3 Paragraphs
We believe before we can move forward, we must acknowledge the past and how we got here. This year, Tech Titans is celebrating its 30th year! Back in August of 1994, Tech Titans (then the Telecom Corridor® Technology Business Council) was formed by Joe Snayd of Fujitsu Network Communications, Jim Carmichael of Rockwell International, Frank J. Kozel, Jr. of MCI, and Max Kee, Nortel Networks. Right off the bat, the initial leadership selected 80 high-technology companies as its charter members, all of which joined. Fast forward to 2000 for another name change – and the Telecom Corridor Technology Business Council became the Metroplex Technology Business Council. (Don’t worry, we are not going to quiz you!) This name change provided a bit more diversity for our members and for the council to better represent more of the region when it came to technology companies.
There were 3 main focuses in the beginning: Services, Networking, and Advocacy, all of which we have still now in 2024. With the start of the MTBC, the shape of what is now known as Tech Titans really began to form. We saw the introduction of the 3rd Friday Technical Luncheons, now known to all as the TIL (or Tech Industry Lunch). Forums began to well, form and create outstanding content and networking opportunities for both members and with outside organizations that really took the Council to a new level. And, in just 10 years, new special interest groups forums grew out of the desire by our members to learn and grow their business connections.
Back in 2001, the first ever Annual Awards Gala was held to honor excellence and achievement in technology. Not much has changed and we continue this tradition to this day (September 20th this year to be exact)! Thought we were done with the name changes? Well, back in 2014, just 10 years ago, the MTBC Board of Directors got together and once again, re-branded with a bold move to call the organization Tech Titans: the Technology Association for North Texas. One of the main differences between 2014 and 1994 is the membership strategy which allows members to join at ALL different levels, including individual memberships. The board of directors realized that all companies regardless of size and whether the company was a tech company or a tech enabled company deserved to be a part of the organization.
We have always been dedicated and passionate about technology, but as we grow and as the days pass by, we see not only how that growing technology can benefit our members, but our community. We do rely on the past for many things, and honor that past. We love seeing our members who have been here since the beginning, and those that are new to the organization keeping that chapter of history open.
Over the last several weeks, we have excitedly welcomed several new members to the Tech Titans circle of connection. As a first order of business, we would like to take a moment to welcome them!
DaVinci Level
Einstein Level
Bank of America
Edison Level
DartPoints – Dallas, TX
Wells Fargo
Newton Level
GDH Consulting, Inc.
HIF Analytics LLC
Inovi Solutions, Inc.
iUrban Teen
John Shinneman
Nexrage Studios
Premier LogiTech
Siven Group, LLC
Smart Data Solutions
SourceTek Technology Group
Texas Research Alliance
Uplift Education
To be part of the Blog and connect, share, and inspire, email Jo Yezak at jo@techtitans.org