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Donate to STEM


Fuel the Future: Invest in STEM Education with Tech Titans

Empower the next generation of innovators, problem solvers, and leaders by supporting the Tech Titans STEM Initiative. Your tax-deductible donation directly impacts the lives of students across North Texas, providing them with the tools and resources to explore exciting careers in science, technology, engineering, and math.

Your Contribution Makes a Difference

Corporations and individuals support the work of the STEM Workforce Initiative through sponsorship and donations. For example:

  • $1,000: Sponsor a STEM Challenge Question and spark critical thinking in students.
  • $500: Fund a semester of inspiring Diversity in Engineering/Women in Engineering panels.
  • $200: Provide hands-on STEM materials for an elementary classroom to ignite a lifelong love of learning.
  • Any Amount: Every dollar counts! Your generosity supports future innovators, scholarships, and awards that build a stronger, more diverse workforce for the future.

Companies Growing the Future

Join Us in Shaping a Brighter Tomorrow

Tech Titans is committed to inspiring, educating, and connecting students with the resources they need to succeed. Together, we can create a thriving STEM ecosystem in North Texas that benefits individuals, communities, and our high-tech economy.

Ready to Make an Impact?

Donate online today and become a champion for STEM education!

Other Ways to Give

  • Mail a check payable to "Tech Titans Charitable Fund for STEM Partnerships" to: Tech Titans Foundation 411 Belle Grove Richardson, TX 75080

Invest in the Future. Invest in STEM. Invest in Tech Titans.

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